Country: Ukraine
Date Hired: August 6, 2024
Job Title: Cleaner
Employer: Alex Guilder
How did the Immigrant Centre help you to find a job in Canada?
The immigrant centre helped me create a resume.Also, with the help of the immigrant centre I passed several certifications.I gained new and valuable knowledge and skills for me.
I really like being here.I fell comfortable and protected.Sometimes it is difficult,but it is very interesting to learn something new.The immigrant centre provides a lot of help and support.
What types of job search techniques did you use to find your job?
I found a job for myself through communication with friends.
What differences have you noticed between working in Canada and working in your home country?
In my country,the employer usually does not require a resume,only an interview.
What advice would you give to immigrants and newcomers looking for work?
Attend certification classes,be aware of interactions in society,be friendly.