Country: Guatemala
Date Hired: November 16, 2021
Job Title: Health Care Aide
Employer: Health Sciences Centre
How did the Immigrant Centre help you to find a job in Canada?
My facilitator taught me how to prepare my resume, how to look for work and she advised me to register to seminars which
immigrant center already arranged directly with recruiters, so clients of IC have better opportunities to get a job.
What types of job search techniques did you use to find your job?
My facilitator registered me for an event which was provide by immigrant center
What differences have you noticed between working in Canada and working in your home country?
Canada regulate every field of work, which become safe for both, worker and customer, in the workplace everyone is respectful and they like to do every task as perfect as possible, they like to work by rules and guides, instead to try to improvise.
What advice would you give to immigrants and newcomers looking for work?
Let the facilitator helps in preparing a good resume, follow the instructions of him or her, receive the orientation that IC offered, get ready for the interview.