Country: El Salvador
Date Hired: June 6, 2021
Job Title: Health Worker Aid
Employer: Shared Health
How did the Immigrant Centre help you to find a job in Canada?
I had a good facilitator with a lot of experience, and she helped me to re write my resume with key words, and call the attention of the employer. After, I applied with this resume and I got an uncertified training for the position at Red River College.
What types of job search techniques did you use to find your job?
Network, visited employers ,websites.
What differences have you noticed between working in Canada and working in your home country?
First of all the language. I like the fact in this country you can work without be discriminated by your age. But in this country you have to have a certification for any kind of job.
What advice would you give to immigrants and newcomers looking for work?
Learn the English, and get a certificate or diploma in the career you think you are good at.