
Success Stories

Jesús Donat Gisbert – Spain – Maintenance Technician

Country: Spain

Date Hired: June 5th, 2023

Job Title: Maintenance Technician

Employer: Hazelview (Casual in Action Marguerite/St Boniface Catedral)

How did the Immigrant Centre help you to find a job in Canada?
Prepare resume, increase self-confidence, interview skills , very attentive and involved, great help with the translation of documents, Mr. Vance Taylor was very kind

What types of job search techniques did you use to find your job?
Move a lot, ask everyone, make friends, socialize, be part of a Catholic parish

What differences have you noticed between working in Canada and working in your home country?
Working conditions, social insurance, salary

What advice would you give to immigrants and newcomers looking for work?
Go to immigrant aid institutions, ask everyone even if it is not related to your job, learn the language Many opportunities, very important immigrant center for newcomers