Country: India
Date Hired: August 2021
Job Title: Community Support Worker
Employer: St. Amant
How did the Immigrant Centre help you to find a job in Canada?
I got help with my resume and got job alerts very often. They always provide important information on how we should get ready for our interview.
I got a Food Handlers certificate at no cost. After getting all this support I felt more confident.
What types of job search techniques did you use to find your job?
I always took job alerts very seriously and applied for all of those jobs which matched my qualifications. I attended job fairs and got job offers during fairs and I chose where I thought I could fit in better. I searched job websites and talked to my friends about jobs.
What differences have you noticed between working in Canada and working in your home country?
Big difference is weather that affects everyone. In Canada everybody does all kinds of work. People are very dedicated and honest and you get paid extra if you work overtime. Home country experience was almost the same but people like to do more designated work.
What advice would you give to immigrants and newcomers looking for work?
Newcomers should follow their facilitators if they are being helped by someone and apply to as many jobs as you can. Talk to your friends and people around you about the job postings. Attend job fairs if they know any because that way you can have more employers to apply for jobs.